A belt does not simply hold your pants and save you from a potentially embarrassing situation. It can also make a fashion statement for you. It can complete the overall look you are going for. Much more so, if you also choose a custom belt buckle that reflects your own personal style and sense of fashion.

A custom made belt buckle can become an important accessory, especially if you are able to select the kind that best suits not just your personality and style, but also your body type and attire. Here are some considerations that will help you choose the customized belt buckles that best suits you:

Size of the belt buckle. The advantage of being able to make your own belt buckle is that you can determine the size based on your own frame. The standard size of a belt buckle ranges from two to four inches. However, you should also choose one that will flatter your waist area and your overall look instead of drawing attention to things you want to hide (such as a flabby stomach).

Type of metal and finish. You can choose between metals such as zinc or pewter, finished with other more attractive metals such as gold, silver, antique gold, antique silver, bronze, copper or black nickel. This can be further sandblasted for a shinier look. Of course, the type of metal will also affect the price.

Occasion. Ask yourself, “Where do I plan to wear this belt buckle?” If you plan to wear the buckle with your formal clothes, then a good fit would be a smaller buckle in silver or gold finish. Now, if the belt buckle is for casual occasion, you have more creative license. You can go for louder designs with more color and size.

Type of belt buckle. There are various types of custom made belt buckles. These include:

–          Western belt buckles. Hark back to the wild, Wild West with a western belt buckle that cowboys used to proudly sport.

–          Themed belt buckles. There are a lot of themes to choose from. This includes classic, skull and crossbones, hip-hop designs, to name a few. There are also quirky types of belt buckles that hold images of your favorite cartoon character, a phrase that catches one’s attention or characters from the latest movies. Believe it or not, there are even belt buckles with changing designs as rendered by tiny LED lights attached to the buckles.

Design and Shape. With custom made buckle belts, your imagination is the limit when it comes to design and shape. Inola Castings will also help you create your design if you still need one. We have a crack creative design team that can come up with quality designs in a jiffy. You can also choose among shapes such as squares, rectangles, circular, shields, symbols and other irregular shapes.

Ease of maintenance. It really depends on your lifestyle. Some designs and styles are easier to maintain than others. Embedded crystals and grooved designs may be harder to clean. Crystals are also more challenging as some bits are prone to fall off. Thus, your choice of belt buckle should also depend on how often you plan to use the buckle belt.